First and foremost- Merry Christmas one and all! Now, back to the meaty stuff…
I have been advised recently that one of the shrewdest moves I can make in order to further my career prospects is to join this mystifying website known as “Twitter”. I wasn’t sure if this was some kind a multi-player game, a website for the “twits” of the world to congregate, or just another Facebook-esque social networking site. Apparently it is a “free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time” (Whatever that means?)
Despite all my doubts, I went ahead and created my profile. I only knew one other person who had Twitter so I clicked on his face and decided to “follow” him. A matter of moments later I was informed that he was following me too. Great. Now what?
Unlike Facebook, apparently Twitter is not just for keeping up to date with gossip about your friends, acquaintances, and people you went to primary school with and never spoke to. Twitter allows you to create a network of like-minded people who continually update their answer that ever insightful question- “what are you doing?” Or they may link you to their blogs which you can then comment on, thus adding your voice to a potentially global conversation. (And I’m pretty sure I’m yet to discover all the other wonderful things it can do.)
If you decide to jump on the Twitter bandwagon, you may find that you are suddenly bombarded with jargon that makes absolutely no sense, such as “tweet” and “re-tweet” and “tinyurl”. And although I still don’t really understand what any of these terms mean, even I can still just about navigate my way round the major functions.
So maybe you’re thinking this sounds like a total and utter waste of time, and I must admit that thought has crossed my mind too. The other thought that crosses my mind however is the enormous potential of the beast that is Twitter to help me be involved in a global network of movers and shakers. Even Stephen Fry is getting in on the action (I should know as I am one of his many thousands of followers.)Please feel free to follow me and my insightful updates, and join in the conversation!
50 foodie things to do before you die
11 years ago