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Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Fancy a spot of blog swapping? "Be My Guest"

March sees the launch of an innovative new idea to showcase talents, keep the blogosphere fresh and link bloggers with great minds together.

“Be My Guest” a great “little idea” from Emily Cagle and Adam Vincenzini is an online social experiment to encourage mutual blogging. Whether that be writing a post for another blog, or featuring guest posts on your own blog, this initiative means that “The guest poster gets to expose his / her work to a new audience. The host gives his / her audience something new and fresh to enjoy.”

So throughout March, the newly assigned ‘Mutual blogging month” encourages the social media community to #BeMyGuest. Whatever your blog is about, there’s likely to be other bloggers out there that share you passion and have something really valuable to say.

I’ve already got two fab bloggers from very different backgrounds lined up to add something new to Great Expectations in the coming weeks. David Clare of The PR View and Amy Wilson of Talk Cinematic (plus a couple more in the pipeline.)

There’s 29 days left for #BeMyGuest so tell the Twittersphere about your blog with the hashtag #BeMyGuest and wait for the talent to roll in. For those Tweetdeck (and the like) users out there, create a column for #BeMyGuest and see if you would be the perfect candidate for a guest blog this month. Or keep a close eye on the real-time posterous site.

I’m so impressed with this idea and I’m sure it will go viral in no time. I’m looking forward swapping blogs and reading some novel contributions.

I actually had a taste of guest blogging last month with my contribution to the Quest PR blog, entitled ‘How Far Can Social Media Go?’

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