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Thursday, 10 March 2011

Jennifer Aniston sex tape goes viral

There’s no sure fire, silver bullet formula to make a video go viral. You can get the top creatives and most scientific SEO specialists but it all comes down to whether people see the content, find it interesting and engaging and whether they feel the sudden urge to share it with their network of like minded friends.

Although there’s never any guarantee as to whether a video will go viral, releasing a video tagged ‘Jennifer Aniston Sex Tape’ is bound to generate some exciting stats.

This is exactly what Smartwater, a US brand of bottled water has done. Smartwater drafted in Jennifer Aniston to star in a video specifically made to go viral. (I’d love to know how much she got paid for it!) The video is a spoof of other videos which attract ridiculous amounts of views on Youtube and have that true ‘pass-on-ability’. Jennifer Aniston herself is one of the most searched for stars in the world. Add to this cute animals, dancing babies and double rainbow man and watch the views start flooding in.

The video has been met with mixed reactions due to the fact it’s piggybacking on the success of other videos and that it’s perhaps ‘trying a bit too hard’, but I have to say I love it. It made me laugh, I was completely hooked and watched the whole 2 minutes and 46 seconds. It’s definitely put Smartwater on my radar and made me want to pass on the video. Would it make me want to buy Smartwater? I’m not too sure. But I don’t think this is what the brand has set out to do.

When I watched the video last night it had around 2million hits. It’s now well over 4million and shows no signs of slowing.

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